ah, another day, another need for more than a status update or tweet. tonite at dinner cf cracked me up and also gave me pause with one of "those" moments. i'll start with the funny stuff.
CF: (eating ice cream very slowly)
me: "Charlie, are you done with that?"
CF: "no, i'm just eating slowly. i'm maintaining, so i don't get brainfreeze."
me: (busts out laughing)
i'm cleaning up and come back into the dining room
CF: (singing)"the party don't start till Mom walks in!"
me: (busts out laughing again)
and then...
something came up about CF being a daddy one day when he's grown.
CF: "when i'm a man, i want to be just like daddy".
me: "you will, babe. you will be big and tall and strong, and maybe have a family if you want"
CF: "no, i mean i want to LOOK like daddy"
me: "well, we all look different. we all just look like ourselves."
CF: "i'm talking about all the same colors, like daddy, like pink and orange and stuff."
(ha...is adam orange?)
me: "oohhh, well, i got ya. the thing about skin is that most of us are different colors, and that's a good thing. you will always have brown skin, and dad will always have that pinkish skin, and when you are a man, you will still be brown. your skin is great and it's beautiful."
CF: "aww, thanks, mom."
and that was that.
so not a big conversation, but one of many that are coming. this time though, i didn't panic. i didn't wonder if i said the right things. i didn't overanalyze. he's a kid, asking questions that any kid would ask. i CAN do this, and i'm going to do a good job. i know that now...finally.
i'm learning not to be afraid of the big, bad wolves anymore. i feel sorry for them, mostly.
one more thing he said...
""mom, you crack me up when you dance."
get used to it, kid! ;)