Here's how it started:
And it ended like this:
Everyone knows that Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. So when I was planning this month's GNO, I thought it would be fun to get Footloose. Well, You Might Think I am too clumsy for such things....and you would be right. Time after Time, I have injured myself trying to do pretty standard activities. I guess being young and stupid is a Hard Habit to Break. I wasn't trying to Jump, or do anything crazy. I know that No One is To Blame, but Don't You think that even In the Heat of The Moment, I could have been a little more careful?! Now, when it comes to anything Physical, I am Once Bitten, Twice Shy. I'm kicking myself for getting such a silly injury, but hey...I'm only Human. It's not like I Party All the Time. So, for now, I am dealing with it, I have lots of lovely help, and I have stopped being So Emotional about my broken elbow and possibly slightly fractured wrist.
And, dressed like that, wouldn't you imagine that I would have to go to the Doctor, Doctor all Alone? Nope, not me...That's What Friends are For, right?
I can't believe a doctor agreed to treat someone wearing leg warmers (;
Sorry to hear about your injury but honestly, it looks like it may have been worth it. You Georgia girls sure know how to have a good time.
Okay, so the post starts with rocking style, plot twist and then ends with a musical it! I can't believe your elbow and wrist...we should get you Colbert's wriststrong to heal you...
Sorry that you broke your elbow, but it looks like ya'll had a great time. I love the 80's look!! Let me know if you need any help.
Haha....funny post! Wasn't it all worth it though?? It was fun!! :)
Only you could pull off an 80s mixed tape, the blog edition. It was great. The broken elbow possible fractured wrist, not so much.
Hope you're on the mend soon.
Oh no! It looks like it was a wonderful time, and the song-montage-writing style was excellent, but I wish you hadn't gotten hurt. I promise, you're more than welcome to write a post like that again without the injury.
You are so freakin' funny! At least you weren't in a Goth outfit at the ER. How do you explain that? Feel better soon.
WAIT!!!! Not I'm panicked!!! How do you change diapers with a broken elbow????
I just snort/laughed in the middle of Legislation; thanks a lot! :)
Seriously sorry about the elbow, but what a fabulously funny post!
I am sorry about your injuries, however, your post just cracked me up! First, I am wondering where you all found those clothes! Did you have them in your wardrobe already?! What fun it looks like you all had - until the accident of course! Thanks for sharing!
What did you husband say about all this?
Oh, Heather! Way to make a painful situation hilarious. I hope you heal lickity-quick and have lots of help until then.
All I have to say is that I love the leg warmers!
Oh, and feel better soon!!
Bummer. At least you haven't lost your sense of humor!
Oh, I feel for you! Ali just got her cast off and she has been in one since the beginning of August. It looks like ya'll had so much fun and your blog about it is so funny!
Heather- you are so freakin awesome! Ok, the elbow sucks but 80's rollerskating- it would be like dying and going to heaven. Will you please move in and be my neighbor and make my life more exciting?
Renee :)
Only Heather-oni could make a trip involving x-rays funny.
Yikes, so sorry to hear about your injury. However my dear, you are one clever writer. That was awesome but now I've got several songs stuck in my head.
Too funny! I love you and I hope you are doing well. A survey asked me the other day, "What is the last magazine you read?" I chuckled when I thought, "Parenting" in the waiting room of family health care center. Tee Hee! Kisses to make the boo boo go away.
You guys seriously look like my mom in the 80'! I'm sad about your elbow and am also seconding cathy's concern about how you'll change a diaper with a broken elbow (maybe you'll get super proficient doing it one-handed?) and am also so jealous that MJ is sleeping through the night at less than 2 months, not fair!! Get well soon!
Totally awesome, girl! :) Sorry about how the night ended but that is one great story.
OHHHH MYYYY!!!! I hope you heal quickly! Until you do -- you rock for sharing this day with us!
gnarly post! you are freakin' hilarious. i'm glad i found your blog. like, totally!
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